Dress Code

The intent of the Point Loma High School dress code is to create a safe, positive environment that is conducive to the learning and safety of our young people. While it is not possible to list every item that violates our dress code, the administration will use the following guidelines for those students needing direction as to apparel not allowed on campus or at school activities.

Point Loma High School dress regulations reinforce that school is a place-of-work for both adults and students.

The following are examples of items that are not conducive to a work-place environment.

  • Pajamas and Sleep Attire.
  • Sagging Pants. Underpants should never be visible.
  • Any attire involving, but not limited to, clothing considered gang or tagger related, or that is offensive, promotes sex, violence or drugs.
  • Shoes must be worn at all times.
  • Head coverings may be worn inside at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Administration will support classroom teacher's policy.
  • Clothing or apparel that is too tight, too short, too low, or see-through materials. All tops must be long enough to cover midriff .
  • Tops must cover all undergarments including bra straps, bandeaus, and excessive cleavage.
  • No strapless tops, however, "spaghetti" straps for girls are allowed if no bra strap is visible.
  • Tank tops for boys must not be excessively loose and must cover chest and sides under arm.
  • Shorts must have 2 inch inseam and have straight seam around leg (not cut higher in front or back).
  • Shorts and skirts must not be shorter that end of fist with arm relaxed and extended.

*Administration will allow approved uniforms worn during school hours.

Range from a change of clothing provided by the school to suspension. Parent/Guardian may be called to bring a change of clothing. Continuous defiance of the dress code may result in After School Detention to suspension. The school, at no time, is responsible for confiscated items. Items not picked-up by the end of the semester will be donated to a non-profit organization. The dress code is a dynamic document. Changes may be made at any time during the school year. Discretion may be used to determine appropriate attire for the classroom by the administration.

Spanish Version

Dress Code 2015

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